Tel: 01427 610761

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Corporate Social Responsibility

We have long-established roots in Lincolnshire and take seriously our responsibility to make a positive impact within our community, including on the welfare of employees and clients, the environment and the sustainability of resources

We believe a responsible approach in these areas can improve efficiency, reduce costs and contribute to our reputation as a socially responsible service organisation.

Support for charities and not-for-profit organisations

We support a number of charities including Lincolnshire Home Improvement Agency (LHIA) and Lincolnshire Employment Accommodation Project (LEAP).

We regularly promote fundraising activities and encourage our staff and Directors to take part in charity events. We also make our meeting rooms and conference facilities available to various local not-for-profit organisations, including the Gainsborough Educational Charity and the Joshua Tyler Charity.

Under the Will Aid initiative, for one week each year we produce wills free of charge while inviting the client to make a voluntary donation to charity.


We are keen to support local sports and the arts and are long-term sponsors of Gainsborough football and cricket leagues.  We have also supported Gainsborough in Bloom and other one-off local community events.

Pro bono legal advice

Our firm has a long tradition of encouraging all members of our legal team to provide free or low cost legal services to local charities, trusts and other not-for profit organisations. Our work in this area typically covers matters including the organisation’s structure, registration, property-related issues and employment.

Gainsborough Area Council for Lincolnshire Chamber of Commerce and Industry

Lisa Whitelam played a key role in establishing the Gainsborough Area Council, which she chairs, for the Lincolnshire Chamber of Commerce. Through the council, we also play an active role in the Gainsborough Town Partnership.

Parish councils

A number of members of our staff are involved in their local parish councils as members or honorary legal advisers.

Publicly funded work

We recognise that a large part of our local community depends on publicly funded/legal aid work, a service we have provided for more than 40 years.  We are committed to providing this service for as long as it remains financially viable for us to do so.

Dementia Friends

Fifteen members of our staff have completed a training course run by The Alzheimer’s Society to become recognised Dementia Friend<!–>s… Find out more…


For more information, please contact us.