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LPA registration costs cut

The fee for registering a lasting power of attorney (LPA) has been reduced by 15 per cent.

The new charge took effect from 1 October 2013. It means that someone registering an LPA – which allows someone to appoint a trusted person, known as an attorney, to make decisions about their health and welfare or financial affairs if they lose mental capacity in the future – will now pay £110 rather than £130.

Once an LPA has been drawn up, it has to be registered or the attorney cannot make decisions on the individual’s behalf. Registration can take place as soon as the LPA is in place or when it is needed.

Justice Minister Helen Grant said: “It is really important that people consider making a lasting power of attorney – it means that as they get older, or if they have issues with their health, they have the peace of mind from knowing that the important decisions about their life will be taken by someone they know and trust, if they ever lost capacity.”

The same change in fees applies to registering an enduring power of attorney (EPA), which were replaced by LPAs in 2007. Although no new EPAs can be made, any already in place remain legally valid.